
Haas C Pres, boot and shoe maker, opp. Court House bds SE cor Drayton and York
Haas Mrs George * h Macon bt Drayton and Bull
Haas John B bookkeeper Cohens & Hertz h Macon bt Drayton and Bull
Haas Wm H book binder bds at Mrs Dickson
Habersham Alex T R H & Sons bds 5 Orleans sq
Habersham Fred R H & Sons h State 2 doors E of Lincoln
Habersham J C physician, 31 Liberty h 31 Liberty
Habersham Rob R H & Sons h Orleans sq
Habersham R & Sons commission merchants, proprietors of rice ills N side of Bay bt Bull and Whitaker
Habersham S * h 59 Perry
Habersham Mrs Wm L * h Harris opp Pulaski sq
Habersham Wm N Rob. Habersham & Sons h 59 Perry
Hackett E L bookkeeper HH Linville bds Congress
Hackett Maurice cooper h 33 Price cor York
Hackett M cooper, cor. Farm & Indian h Bryan nr W Broad
Haemmerle Francis shoe store, Montgomery bt. Broughton & Congress l. h Montgomery bt Broughton and Congress l
Hager E liquor store, Houston & Bay h Houston and Bay
Haggerty M barkeeper bds D O'Sullivan
Hahn Julius cooke (sic) h St Gaul nr Zubly
Hagan Mrs R A milliner and dress maker SW cor Jefferson and Broughton
Hallagan James laborer h 189 Bryan
Hale Wm boots and shoes, Congress opp. Market sq. h Congress opp Market sq
Halferdy William drayman h 194 Bryan
Hall Chas A printer, NW cor. St. Julien & Whitaker bds with Mrs Thompson
Hall E watchmaker bds with Mrs Harley
Hall John * h Taylor bt Montgomery and Jefferson
Hall Obediah clerk h Margaret bt W Broad and Farm
Hall Patrick laborer h Broughton nr E Boundery (sic)
Halligan Hugh clerk h cor York and E Broad
Halligan Jas clerk Jno Sherlock & Co h Ann
Halligan Mrs Mary grocer NE cor S Broad and New Franklin
Halligan Thos plumber and gas fitter at A Mayers bds with A Mayer
Halpin Thos W grocer SW cor E Boundery (sic) and Broughton
Halsey S Parkman shipper at Padelford, Fay & Co h Harris bt Whitaker and Barnard
Ham William engineer bds Joachim nr W Broad
Hamilton Chas F teller at Bank of the State of Georgia h 3 Reynolds sq
Hamilton J F clerk at JW Lathrop & Co bds 77 York bt Bull and Drayton
Hamilton Luke clerk at CRR repairing dept bds SW cor Montgomery and State
Hamilton M bookkeeper at Franklin & Brantley h 77 York
Hamilton Mrs Mary * 77 York
Hamilton S P lawyer h NE cor Taylor and Bull
Hamilton S P naval officer, Custom House h Whitaker bt Jones and Taylor
Hamlet John R builder h Barnard nr Hull
Hammal Owen laborer bds NE cor E Broad and Broughton
Handlon John shoe maker bds with Jas Pitt
Handly Mrs Margaret * h 7 York
Hanegan Cons laborer Gas Works *
Hanegan John laborer Gas Works h Broughton bt E Boundery (sic) and Reynolds
Hanlan John laborer bds E Broad nr S Broad
Hanley P appraisers porter Custom House h Mills bt Farm and W Broad
Hanley Patrick Flatley and H(anley) h Joachim
Hanley Patrick porter h Joachim nr Farm
Hanley Peter laborer h l bt Jones and Berrien nr Purse
Hanlon Jas clerk with J & MD Treanor & Co bds Mrs Martin
Hannessy Michael door hand at CRR h cor Harris and Montgomery
Hanon Michael mason bds Taylor nr SA&G RR office
Hardcastle G W delivery clerk CRR h cor Harris and Montgomery
Hardee B H Starr and Hardee h Jones bt Bull and Drayton
Hardee B W physician, cor. Broughton & W Broad h cor Indian and Farm
Hardee Charles S Erwin and H(ardee), agent Southern Mutual Ins Co h NW cor Bull and Jones
Hardee John L N.A. H(ardee) and Co bds Liberty bt Drayton and Bull
Hardee N A N.A. H(ardee) and Co h Liberty bt Drayton and Bull
Hardee N A & Co com. Merchants 110 Bay bt Drayton and Bull
Harden Daniel D engineer CRR h 114 S Broad
Harden E J attorney at law, Bay bt. Whitaker & Barnard h Jones bt Drayton and Bull, S side
Harden Mrs * h William nr Farm
Harden Thos H teller Planter's Bank h 48 Broughton
Hardie Robert groceries and ship chandlery, cor. Abercorn & Jones Wharf bds at Mrs Millers
Harding Geo S agent Lewer Cotton Press *
Harding Mrs S dress maker, 85 Congress h 85 Congress
Hardwick & Co commission merchant 192 Bay bt Barnard and Jefferson
Hardwick C C H(ardwick) & Co bds cor Hull and Whitaker
Hardwick R S H(ardwick) & Co bds cor Hull and Whitaker
Hardy Maurice laborer h 18 E Boundery (sic)
Hargin John laborer bds J Sullivan
Harig A Stromer & Harig h Broughton bt Jefferson and Montgomery
Harring Julius music teacher bds with Mrs Cooper
Harley J B B boarding house NE cor Broughton and Montgomery
Harman Estate (sic) butcher and green grocer Stalls 3, 7, 8 market
Harmon R F clerk Franklin & Brantley's bds Liberty bt Barnard and Jefferson
Harnden's Express Co J Spooner, agent 153 Bay
Harper & Caughey cotton merchants Bay
Harper Wm laborer Gas Works *
Harrig H * h 179 Broughton
Harrigan Mrs C * h cor E Broad and Bay
Harris Mrs J W * h William nr W Broad
Harris Lewis F President, Bank of Savannah bds at J Savages
Harris R Y Evans, Harris & Co., Bay h NW cor Habersham and York
Harris Solomon boiler maker h Margaret nr Farm
Harrison James machinist h cor Ann and Bryan
Harrison John porter Charlton bt Montgomery and W Broad
Harrison John machinist at R&J Lachlison & Co h cor Ann and Bryan
Harrison John M printer h Elizabeth nr W Broad
Harrison Robert machinist bds cor Bryan and Ann
Harrison W B Inspector, Custom House *
Harris Juriah physician, 110 S Broad h 110 S Broad
Harrow Antonio laborer 19 E Broad
Hart B A clerk bds with Mrs Box
Hart John moulder at CRR bds cor Price and S Broad
Hart Levi S justice of peace and notary public, 140 Bryan h 1 Blues Range, Barnard
Hart Mrs Levi * h 1 Blues Range, Barnard
Hart Thomas laborer at CRR bds cor Jones and W Broad
Hartigan Michael painter h River bt W Broad and Montgomery
Hartman C grocer, cor. Harrison & St. Gaul h cor Harrison and St Gaul
Hartridge A L bookkeeper Bank of Commerce h Broughton cor Habersham
Hartridge A S cotton factor and commission merchant, cor. Bay & Abercorn h NE cor Jones and Whitaker
Hartridge J attorney and notary public, 76 Bryan h NW cor Bull and Taylor
Harty Wm J bookkeeper bds 17 Charlton
Harveron Robert train hand at CRR bds Wilson Robertsville
Harvey Joseph B tailor h Liberty l nr Thunderbolt road
Harvey Mrs M * h Hull bt Jefferson and Montgomery
Hasbrouck J J Hasbrouck & Co h cor Price and State
Hasbrouck J & Co china, glass and earthenware Broughton bt Barnard and Whitaker
Hassett Mrs M B milliner and dress maker 157 Congress
Hastings Chas hats and caps, 24 Whitaker h 24 Whitaker
Hastings Mrs milliner cor Whitaker and Congress
Hatfield Samuel A tailor h cor Stewart and Wilson
Haupt James L carpenter h Lincoln bt Liberty and Perry l
Haupt Andrew J * South side Broad bt Price and Habersham
Haupt John Sr * h NW cor President and E Broad
Haupt John A machinist at CRR h S Broad bt Price and Habersham
Haupt Wm L clerk at GS Nichols h Whitaker bt Jones and Macon
Hausman W H clothing and dry goods, 181 Congress h 112 Broughton bt Whitaker and Bull
Havener Joseph grocer, cor. Harris & W Broad h cor Harris and W Broad
Haverty James laborer h Indian l bt Farm and Lumber
Hawkins Geo porter at A Minis's h cor W Broad and Charlton
Hawkins Geo grocer, cor. Harris & W Broad h cor Harris and W Broad
Hawkins Nathan N H(awkins) & Co h cor W Broad and Charlton
Hawkins Nathan and Co city drays cor Lincoln and Bay
Hayes E A bookkeeper McKee & Bennett bds at Mrs Cooper
Hayes Thos blacksmith at HH Linville's *
Haym H dry goods, 176 Broughton h Montgomery bt Liberty and Harris
Haynes R O * bds with Mrs Harley
Haywood A grocer, cor. Barnard & Bryan h cor Barnard and Bryan
Haywood Alfred ice house cor Hull and Abercorn
Haywood J H bookkeeper bds Bryan
Haywood J M barber shop and bath house, cor. Bull & Bryan h 108 Bryan
Haywood J M boarding house opp W D Zogbaum & Co
Hazard Fenton clerk, 155 Broughton bds SW cor Montgomery and State
Headman Geo F machinist bds with Shaffer
Headman H D blacksmith, Bull 2 doors N of State bds cor Whitaker and Hull
Heagney James wheelwright and blacksmith, Bay bt. Price & Habersham h Bay bt Price and Habersham
Healy John watchman h Lane bt Jones and Berrien nr Purse
Healy L T grocer SW cor Reynolds and continuation of York
Hedman -- machinist bds with Mrs Cooper
Heffenan Edward laborer at CRR h Harris nr W Broad
Heffernan Hugh clerk bds cor Harris and W Broad
Heidt E E Heidt & Co h Jefferson bt Liberty and Perry
Heidt E and Co clothing 68 St Julien and 101 Bryan
Heidt George city dispensary h 28 Tattnall
Heidt Horace N clerk at Henry Lathrop's bds NE cor Habersham and State
Heidt Jas E clerk at E Heidt & Co. bds cor Jefferson and Liberty l
Heidt & Ulmer physicians and druggists cor Liberty and Montgomery
Heidt Wm boot and shoe store, 152 Congress h NE cor Habersham and State
Heidt Wm T physician, cor. Liberty & Montgomery h cor Harris and Tattnall
Heinsins C bookkeeper bds Pulaski House
Heller D clothing, opp. W. D. Zogbaum & Co. h opp WD Zogbaum & Co
Helmboldt George machinist at CRR h W Broad nr Taylor
Henderson D S Freeman Henderson & Co h 4 Indian
Henderson Jas A conductor on CRR bds NW cor Drayton and State
Henderson J M Freeman Henderson & Co h SW cor York and Jefferson
Henderson M Y feed store, cor. St. Julien & Market bds cor S Broad and W Broad
Henderson Thos cabinet maker and undertaker, Whitaker bt. Broughton & Congress l. h 122 State cor Whitaker
Henderson Wm livery stable h cor Orange and Ann
Hendle Henry laborer h Poplar nr Harrison
Hendlon Stephen grocer, cor. Farm & Indian l. h cor Farm and Indian l
Hendree T W clerk, 107 Broughton bds No 1 Calhoun sq
Hendry Geo N bookkeepper with Foote & J bds 149 York
Hendry Thomas clerk bds Taylor nr Abercorn
Henges Henry clerk 59 E Broad
Henges J A grocer, 59 E Broad h 59 E Broad
Hennemeier Frederick grocer, cor. St. Gaul & Orange h cor St Gaul and Orange
Henry A G * 93 York
Henry Chas E Henry bds 127 Congress
Henry Chas S attorney at law, clerk of circuit court of US, commissioner of US custom house h cor Bull and Charlton
Henry E dentist, 127 Congress h 127 Congress
Henry Isaac ship carpenter h McDonough bt Houston and Price
Henry Moses clerk J and MD Treanor &Co bds Mrs Martin
Henry W boots, shoes, hats and caps, Congress bt. Barnard & Jefferson bds with Mrs Jessley
Herb Miss E house SE cor Abercorn and Broughton
Herbert George clerk bds Abercorn bt Taylor and Jones
Herbert Mrs Maria * h Abercorn bt Taylor and Jones
Herd James drayman bds W Broad bt Margaret and William
Hering Peter * bds SE cor Drayton and York
Hermann Henry grocer, cor. Farm & William h cor Farm and William
Herms Wm carpenter 17 Berrien
Herms William B cabinet maker CRR h Berrien bt Montgomery and W. Broad
Hernandez Frank * bds Lachlison's Building, Price
Hernandez J E confectionary h cor Liberty and Habersham
Hernandez N D tin smith h Price bt Perry and Liberty
Hernandez Thos pilot h S Broad bt Price and Habersham
Herriant Peter wood yard SA & G RR depot bds 28 Houston
Herriant Stephen brickmason bds 28 Houston
Herrick J upholsterer SW cor Charlton l and Barnard
Hershbach J segar store, Jefferson bt. Congress & Broughton h Harrison
Hertz Edw E Cohens and H(ertz) h Hull bt Whitaker and Bull
Hertz F E bookkeeper Merchant's and Planter's Bank h 35 Barnard
Hetrick Mm (sic) leader of the orchestra Savannah Theatre h 181 Broughton
Hervitt J G porter h E Broad
Hicks G H wheelwright at A Kent's shop bds Indian l bt Farm and W Broad
Higgins John clerk with JR Pringle bds with M Hogan
Higgins John laborer at CRR bds Ann nr Harrison
Higgins John teamster h 23 New Franklin
Higgins M tailor bds 29 St Julien
Higgins Patrick butcher, Stall 29 Market h St Gaul and Harrison
Higgins Thomas laborer bds W Broad nr Stewart
Higgins Walter carpenter h Ann nr Zubly
High Patrick laborer h St Gaul nr Harrison
Hill E P clerk with NK Barnum bds with Mrs Robertson
Hill Sumner * bds SE cor President and W Broad
Hilmkin Martin grocer, NE cor. Bay & E Broad h NE cor Bay and E Broad
Hilsheim P D clerk with L Lilienthal bds Mrs Lovell
Himson Henry laborer h 3 Ann
Hine James cotton warehouse Bay
Hine James boarding house 118 Broughton
Hines Henry laborer h NW cor E Broad and S Broad
Hines Jas B Jas Hasbroucks bds Jas Hines 118 Broughton
Hines J J lumber merchant h Tattnall bt Liberty and Harris
Hinlay Patrick laborer h W Broad nr Stewart
Hirt C bootmaker bds SE cor Drayton and York
Hirshberg Rev Lewis * h NE cor Broughton and Jefferson
Hishback Joseph cigar store h Harrison nr St Gaul
Hitchcock J butcher small meat stalls 2, 4, 6, and 8 market
Hodge A M book periodical and newspaper dept, cor. Bull & Broughton bds Mrs Smith cor Congress and Drayton
Hodgson Wm B * W side St James sq bt President and State
Hoffer James cigar maker h 3 St Gaul
Hogan Mathew * h 5 York
Hogan Michael laborer 35 Broughton bt Price and Habersham
Hogan John grocer and saloon, cor. Stony Bluff & Whitaker h Broughton bt E Broad and Boundery (sic)
Hogan Patrick laborer h Mill nr Farm
Hogg Jas E bookkeeper Wm W Lincoln bds at Mrs Harley
Hogg Jno B city surveyor h Harris bt W Broad and Montgomery
Houlahan Martin 2nd sergt mounted police h NE cor State and Houston
Holcombe Mrs E * 9 Chatham sq
Holcombe Thos H(olcombe) & Co. h NW cor Gaston and Whitaker
Holcombe & Co wholesale grocers 179, 181, 183 Bay
Hole Peter * bds 185 Bryan
Holland Dennis shipping master and notary Public, cor. Habersham & Bay l. h cor Habersham and Bay l
Holland Dennis saloon h cor Lincoln and Perry l
Holland James machinist at R&J Lachlison & Co h Lane bt Canal and Indian nr W Broad
Holland John grocer SE cor Jones and Abercorn
Holland Wm F accountant at Gas Light office h Drayton over Bank of Commerce
Hollinbeck G H carriage blacksmith bds cor Bryan and Whitaker
Hollister W D Mallett & Co h 166 Broughton bt Jefferson and Barnard
Hollister R G proprietor Tontine saloon 93 Broughton
Hollon John laborer h St Julien bt Price and Houston
Holmes Jas undertaker bds with Mrs Shaffer
Holmes Josiah carpenter, York opp. Courthouse sq. h Jefferson 2 doors from Hull
Holmes Mrs Henry teacher 27 Barnard SE cor York l
Holmes P B clerk bds Orange bt Pine and Zubly
Holmes Wm H * h Taylor nr W Broad
Holst C M Brigham, Baldwin & Co h 48 S Broad bt Lincoln and Abercorn
Holst J B clerk at Weber Brothers h 48 S Broad
Holton Mrs Sarah * h 4 Blues' Building, Barnard
Homan John tailor bds 29 St Julien
Hone Wm groceries and ship chandlery, cor. Lincoln & Wharf bds Pulaski
Honiker Robert A carpenter h Roberts nr W Broad
Hood Jason P clerk at CRR bds NW cor Montgomery and State
Hooke Rev Patrick * bds cor Floyd and Perry
Hope Mrs Samuel bookkeeper h 74 S Broad
Hopkins Cormick (sic) bookkeeper h Gordon bt Bull and Drayton
Hopkins C H bookkeeper, 161 Broughton h Liberty
Hopkins Jno D clerk bds Hull bt Floyd and Drayton
Hopkins M H clerk with Boston & Villalonga bds 123 1/2 Congress
Hopkins S H carpenter h Roberts nr Wilson
Hord Timothy laborer h New nr Farm
Horn Martin grocer cor W Broad and Bryan
Horrigan C clerk bds cor Bryan and Houston
Horton H P watches and jewelry, 133 Congress bds Screven House
Horton Thos * h York nr E Broad
Hough E C teller at Bank of Savannah h Whitaker nr Charlton
House E P tin smith bds cor President and Jefferson
Houston J bookkeeper at DeWitt & Morgan h 77 Montgomery
Hover John * h New bt W Broad and Farm
Hover L * h New bt W Broad and Farm
Howard John laborer Broughton bt Reynold and E Boundery (sic)
Howard J Gordon physician, cor. Drayton & McDonough bds Pavilion House
Howard Jas J bookkkeeper bds 156 S Broad
Howard Jos S clerk h Barnard
Howard Timothy laborer at CRR h New nr Farm
Howard T J bookkeeper bds 156 S Broad
Howe Wm D foreman of Gas Light Works h SW cor Arnold and Broughton
Howell J B grocer NE cor Jefferson and York l
Howell R H engraver, 110 Broughton h cor Taylor and Barnard
Howlett James * h Reynolds sq nr York
Hoynes James machinist at R&J Lachlison & Co Foundry bds cor W Broad and River
Hudson Fleming and Co commission merchants 94 Bay nr Drayton
Hudtwalcker J N Weber Brothers and consul for Hamburg h Hull bt Whitaker and Bull
Hughes Wm riger (sic) h Indian l nr Farm
Huguenin Mrs Elisa * h 34 Liberty
Hull D B bookkeeper LaRoche & Bell bds Congress bt Bull and Drayton
Hull F M clerk LaRoche and Bells bds Congress bt Bull and Drayton
Hull Garvin clerk LaRoche and Bells bds with S P Bell
Humphreys Henry * bds NW cor Montgomery and State
Humphreys J J clerk, 133 Broughton h 28 Stewart Robertsville
Humphreys Milton bookkeeper h Roberts bt W Broad and Wilson
Humphreys William chief bookkeeper at CRR h Roberts nr W Broad
Hunt Frank salesman Henry Lathrop & Co bds Whitaker bt Charlton and Jones
Hunter & Gammell commission merchants N side of Bay bt Abercorn and Drayton
Hunter Col James planter h 79 S Broad bt Drayton and Floyd
Hunter John W machinist bds Gordon l bt Drayton and Abercorn
Hunter Mrs Mary A * h Gordon l bt Drayton and Abercorn
Hunter Wm Hunter and Gammell h York bt Abercorn and Lincoln
Hurley Edward tinner, 145 Broughton h Joachim bt Farm and W Broad
Karley (sic) M laborer at Gas Works h 15 E Broad
Hush D butcher small meat stall 31 market
Hush Herman clerk in US N Department h Barracks, Liberty
Hussey C shipping agent, 71 Bay h St Julien bt Habersham and Price
Hussey William laborer at CRR h Stewart nr W Broad
Hutchins John farmer h Stewart nr Wilson
Hutton J S cashier Timber Cutter's Bank bds cor Perry and Jefferson
Hwank John grocer, cor. Farm & Indian l. h Farm and Indian l
Hyde John 145 Broughton bds NE cor Jefferson and S Broad
Hyde Miss R & A F millinery, 174 Broughton h 174 Broughton
Hyer William L engineer bds Margaret nr W Broad

This page posted online courtesy of Colleen Flannery who put in a lot of hard work to get it typed up and ready to be posted. Many, many thanks, Colleen.

If you have any comments or suggestions about this page please feel free to email me.


This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Apr-2014 21:28:40 EDT.
Copyright © 2002~2024 by P. J. Franklin.